San Francisco Jr. Realizes There are Gays in the Viet Community

Gayasians Represent!

Gayasians Represent, Represent.

Its about time.

Coming from a country that uses a French word for the term “gay” to emphasize how foreign the idea is (pe de) to having the queer community walk alongside with family members at the Lunar New York Tet Festival in San Jose is kind of a big deal. Props to the organizers, you’re doing a great job, but let’s try to beat San Francisco to the punch at some point, yah?

Racial Diversity

What came first Vu or the LG Vu?

The word "VU" is officially in the English vernacular now.

This is purely unscientific, and relates only to me. But I like to determine how racially diverse a region is based on how many, “uh, what?”s it takes to actually say my name.

Eastside San Jose, Inland Orange County, NYC:

“My name’s Vu”

Westside San Jose, Coastal Orange County, DC:

“My names Vu”
“Oh, Vu”

Southside San Jose, LA, Boston:

“My name’s Vu”
“No. Vu, V-U”
“Ok. Thanks Vu”

Willow Glen, Malibu, Martha’s Vineyard:

“My name’s Vu”
“No. Vu, V-U”
“No! Vu! Like Deja Vu”
“I’m sorry, I don’t speak French”
“Forget it. Call me Reuben”

True stories. I wish I was joking.

To the Greatest City in America

San Jose, California, I salute you. Never did I ever imagine as a native San Josean, born and raised, I would ever be able to compare my city to the heavy weights of the country like El Paso, Texas; Birmingham, Alabama, or Little Rock, Arkansas. Never could I ever think that San Jose would grab national headlines as big as the day its residents provoked the last public lynching in California. But today I can. A recent survey done by ranked all the gender inequality gaps in U.S. cities. Top of the list was McAllen, Texas with 28% more women. What a crappy place to live don’t you think? Another equally crappy place? Heaven. But of all 10 cities ranked, ONLY San Jose had a gender inequality that favored MEN over WOMEN. Awesome you might say? Agreed. 

  1. McAllen, TX (28% more women)
  2. El Paso, TX (27% more women)
  3. Memphis, TN (17% more women)
  4. Bethesda, MD (17% more women)
  5. San Jose, CA (17% more men)    <———— My Hometown!
  6. Birmingham, AL (16% more women)
  7. New York, NY (16% more women)
  8. Baltimore, MD (16% more women)
  9. Little Rock, AR (16% more women)
  10. Columbia, SC (15% more women)