Friday Fuckery: This White Guy Fantasy Brought to You by Heineken

Oh, fer Chrissakes. Here we go — a little peek into a white guy’s wet dream — with the well-worn theme of White Knight out-Asianing the Asians (see Last Samurai, Shogun) or out-Indianing the Indians (see Dances With Wolves, Avatar, A Man Called Horse, etc etc ad nauseam).

Chad here is gonna take his comely Asian date on a magical whirlwind tour of Chinatown (is it her own neighborhood? No matter! He is more IN THE KNOW and will thus access and unlock an exotic, underground side she’s never experienced!).

Not only will he charm the pants off her, he will also show the cooks how to do their job. First, to demonstrate that he is totally DOWN with Chef YanCanCook, he’ll make sure to greet his Chinatown bros in the customary, culturally-sensitive fashion: palms together. But Aha! Chad will then school and amaze them by karate-chopping veggies faster than Benihana’s Rocky Aoki!

As Chad is also quite the international playboy, he’ll be repeatedly ogled and groped at by a gauntlet of bejeweled women as he makes his way through the club.  His date, meanwhile, is unable to maneuver on her own, so Chad must whisk her around and protect her from all the hustle and bustle of Asiaville. To make sure we REALLY GET that Chad is WINNING here, viewers are treated to about seven shots of her breathlessly gazing at him with equal parts hero worship and lusty bedroom eyes.

Yes, it’s a stylish, well-produced commercial, but I still sprained my eyeballs from rolling them so hard. While watching a Chris Martin look-alike be King for a Day in Anonymous Exotic Asiatown doesn’t make me want to pour Heineken down my throat, it probably works on their intended demographic. Heineken is such a skunky, shitty beer that apparently it has to indulge ridiculous white dude fantasies to seem appealing. Both are puke-inducing if ya ask me.

Thanks Char Char!

AZN Girls in Muppet Suits

True, this tumblr site “Fuck Yeah AZN Girls in Kermit Suits and Friends” is full of all sorts of WTF. But it’s also kind of brilliant, if you interpret it as an antidote to hypersexualized Asian female imagery that is ubiquitous and inescapable both in the popular American psyche and on the internets (just google “Asian girl”) blah blah blah.

Yeah sure, you could look at another pic of an Asian chick in a corny pose giving her best sessyface…PLAYED OUT. But add a Bert suit that looks like it was drawn by your 11-year-old cousin in Microsoft Paint and watch heads implode: “But is it art, Darling?”

At least that’s my take on the whole thing, if this site can be subject to interpretation at all. Outstanding questions remain: What if it was Pokémons instead of Muppets? Will there be an “AZN Guys in Kermit Suits”? What would be the the sociopolitical implications? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!? Maybe we can just go HAHAHA and leave it at that.

And if you still find this titillating, then you got some issues you need to work out with Sesame Street and your Preschool id.

Thanks Char Char!

Kobayashi Defends His Weiner Crown

Outlawed from the official Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island for a contract dispute with Major League Eating (MLE) and for bum-rushing and getting arrested at the stage last year, the legendary scarfer and troublemaker Takeru Kobayashi went rogue on July 4th by staging his own contest on the 230 Fifth rooftop bar in Manhattan.

With a crowd of several hundred fans, two judges, and the Coney Island contest airing live on a big screen TV, Kobayashi choked down 69 dogs, one more than nemesis Joey “Jaws” Chestnut’s 2009 world record.

For the fifth year in a row, Chestnut won the official title, with 62 hot dogs + buns in 10 minutes. While Kobayashi took home six consecutive Nathan’s contest titles from 2001 to 2006, his contract dispute with MLE bans him from challenging Chestnut in person, and MLE also won’t recognize Kobayashi’s 69 as the official record.

Kobayashi gained 18 pounds during the rooftop contest, but as you can see, didn’t lose his 6-pack. I’ve never seen anything so simultaneously disturbing and HAWT at the same time (also, he’s like identically sporting my Pepé Le Pew haircut! Maybe this is a sign we’re meant to be together. Obviously, we share many interests — questionable meat, hair bleach, and pissing people off being among them). Um anyhoo, Kobayashi said his performance demonstrated: “that I’m still good, that I’m still in the contest.” I’ll raise my weiner to that!

Friday Fuckery: China Hair & Beauty Expo

While most think of the Bronner Bros Hair Show in ATL (happening August 20-23rd!) as the ULTIMATE in mane ferocity and lace-front realness, it looks like they might be getting a run for their money.

The 2011 China Hair and Beauty Expo — which went down this past Wednesday in Beijing — showcased mile-high tresses and wig tchotchkes for daaayyyys, honey.

Bjork, reliving her Homogenic era

Simply glorious. Bronner Bros and the China Hair Expo should combine forces for some epic Captain Planet shit, and then the world would explode in a Hair Battle Royale orgy of costume joorees, Manic Panic extensions, and Super Gro products.  Also, I think the solution to our economic recession and achieving balanced global trade is in here somewhere.  More extravagnza eleganza pics here.

via UPI