Steven Ho Back on Conan Tomorrow!

Our fave stuntman/martial artist/hi-end furniture store owner/NEW DAD Steven Ho is back, and as usual, busting Conan O’Brien’s balls. If there is unfinished bidnid that needs finishin’, Steven Ho will be the one to uh, FINISH IT!!! Just look at the fear in Conan’s eyeballs!

Don’t miss what is sure to be a delightful evening of whoop ass.

Thanks Steven and Congrats!

BCB Profilin’: Steven Ho

This installment of BCB Profilin’ features Steven Ho: world-renowned martial artist, professional stuntman, Hollywood fight trainer, entrepreneur, and…ASIAN CONAN!!! This renaissance man contacted us to say wassup after we did a post on his new “Come Get It Now” music video with Petree — and we lost no time in squealing like 14-year-olds at an Elvis concert and then groveling shamelessly to interview him. And since Steven is as gracious as he is talented…he actually bought it!!

Greetings, I am…

Steven Ho

I’ve been known to bitch about…

Bitches.  I was taught as a child in martial arts class that if we got hit in sparring, it was our fault for not blocking it.  I gravitate towards people who are accountable and assume responsibility for their actions.  I can’t tolerate people over 25 who don’t.

My influences are…

Bruce Lee, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Leonardo DaVinci, Muhammad Ali, Elvis Presley.

On a Saturday night you can find me….

Trolling the city streets for hoodlums.

On a Tuesday night you can find me…

Training at Westside Boxing Club.

My usual drink/poison is….

Fresh squeezed ginger, apple, celery juice.

If I was a superhero my name would be…


I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with…

Trying to find organic ways to get our neighbor’s dog to stop pooping on our lawn.

Favorite thing to do in Los Angeles (or wherever you reside)…. Summer dinners and concerts at the Hollywood Bowl with friends, Lakers games, and beachside room at the Surf & Sand Hotel in Laguna Beach.

Married to…

Acclaimed interior and furniture designer, Nina Petronzio.

Free Association time! First word I think of after “Asian America”:

Bruce Lee

My weapon of choice is….

A pen……if that doesn’t work, Ninja Star.

My secret life…

I own PLUSH HOME, a high-end home building, interior design firm, and furniture manufacturing company with my wife.  Our flagship showroom is located on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood, California.

Look out for me…

On Conan O’Brien’s new TBS show. I’m back on as a regular putting him through stunt school.

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