Friday Fuckery: Oh WHAT You Have SEX with Your Sex Doll? EWWWWW


Seriously all you do is have sex with your made-to-look-real silicon sex doll? If that’s all you do, then you are missing out on oh-so much my friend.

In what may be the greatest use of the in-browser Google Translator service in Google Chrome, the Japanese website is run by someone I can only assume is a Japanese dude who lives alone in a Tokyo studio apartment. Someone who loves video games, magic tricks and trying on clothes.

See, the genius (or absolute creepiness) of this website is that dude treats his sex doll like a blogger who nonchalantly reviews the very latest in iPads, Wii’s and anything else he can get a hold of. The creepy stills creates a story that gets creepier and creepier as you scroll down. It would be funny if it was created ironically by a comedy troupe in LA trying to make it big online. But done up by a dude on his own in his Tokyo apartment since as far back as the Sega Dreamcast was popular kinda makes this particular website the one that rules them ALL. And by ALL I mean sex doll product review websites.

I’m actually surprised there’s only a HANDFULL of super creepy posts, such as Sakura sex doll trying on a school girl outfit.


Or trying on a bathing suit (she even covers herself up while changing just like any girl I’ve ever gone to the beach with!). But seriously, there’s comedy gold here. Like her review of a Blu Ray player and Toy Story’s Woody popping out of the screen (OH HEY THAT’S A TOTAL SET UP! How you go tricking Sakura Sex Doll like that!).


My only problem is she reviewed some vibrators and ours wasn’t one of them 😦


BUT she did live out my childhood dream of meeting a girl who has every Nintendo system ever… damn, are you SURE she’s not real? ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE???dollnintendo

Originally posted at Yellow Peril Dildo’s blog.

Blacklava X The Yellow Peril Dildo

Hey BCBers! Blacklava — everyone’s favorite online “store for all things Asian American” — just got even better. Headed up by the tireless powerhouse Ryan Suda, Blacklava offers apparel, media, and accessories with political/cultural themes to showcase your AZN pride, son! Blacklava also sells products by Hyphen, Angry Asian Man, Korematsu Institute…and most recently, Chimco!

Blacklava’s newest addition is the Yellow Peril Dildo, which was created by ChimCo (also the folks behind this here blog) to take back a historically loaded term, shift perceptions of Asian American sexuality, and rock your progressive, Asian empowerment ass.

So celebrate Blacklava’s 20th Anniversary and APA Heritage Month with a Yellow Peril (in vibe and suction cup models)…and while you’re at it make sure to check out Blacklava’s full catalogue of goods (our favorites include the “I Will Not Love You Long Time” and “I Suck at Math” shirts).

New Video From Notorious MSG! Warning: Contains Buttcrack

BCB favorites The Notorious MSG recently released another video, this time with an imperative message regarding your safety: The Dangers of MSG: First Aid for Rectal Prolapse.

As you may well know, listening to the ass-blasting tunes of MSG can wreak havoc on one’s lower intestinal tract. Being the considerate, honorable gentlemen they are, Hong Kong Fever, Down Lo Mein & Hunan Bomb graciously created this video to help you or a loved one minimize the damage:

Please note the Yellow Peril Dildo cameo in the lower left hand corner at 0:43 and 1:12. HOLLA! (Repeated use of the Yellow Peril can also contribute to lifelong rectal health and prevent such unfortunate accidents).

Thanks MSG!